
I spent 8 years building the best “demo labs” for some of the biggest and most important tech companies. These labs covered storage, backup, network security, real-time databases, and other technologies. These labs were used by sales executives on calls with prospects and as centerpieces of important (and expensive) trade show presences.

A year ago, I realized there was a way to make development and deployment of demo labs much less expensive and much more accessible. PCs and laptops were offering more and cheaper CPU, RAM, and disk than our costly cloud systems. Lab development was locked into deployment platforms, making labs less flexible and more costly to maintain.

So I set out to fix the problems. I created of platform called Demo Machine. It has software tools, starting points, and a methodology which are changing how demo labs are built and deployed. I am applying the platform to AI. My work is available for you to use at no cost by request.

I’m here to help you. Pick a topic at right to find out how! Thank you for your time.


Brad Hutchings
Founder, DemoMachine.net
